
Web Applications

The following are web apps that usually demonstrate or simulate something! These are generally companion tools to videos on my YouTube channel, which are also linked below!

The emoji we know and love are defined by the Unicode standard, which also specifies some ways in which emoji can interact with each other or be modified! This webapp lets you try out different combinations of Unicode code points, and see how they react to each other. A companion to Emoji is Fun! (Apr 2022)

Computers perform subtraction by doing addition, using a cool math technique called the Method of Complements. This webapp visualizes the process, and is applicable in any base, including Hexadecimal, Binary and more. A companion to The Method of Complements (Feb 2022).

Floating point numbers are extremely common in programming – They give us the ability to work with decimal points. But as it turns out, the way they work is surprisingly complex! A companion to Floating Point Numbers (Aug 2019) – See exactly how the numbers are broken down!

You can interact with this HTML/JavaScript particle system by clicking and dragging sliders! A companion to Program a Particle System in 30 Minutes! (Aug 2015)

What happens when a signal is sampled at too low of a sampling rate? See how the reconstructed wave interactively degrades in quality as you tweak parameters! A companion to Sampling, Aliasing and Nyquist Theorem (Jun 2015)

Huffman coding is a highly efficient way of compressing information, using a scheme specially tailored for your data! In this web app, see how this is made possible. A companion to Huffman Coding. (Jun 2015)

Image encoding techniques like JPEG use a very interesting way to represent pictorial information! It represents your image as a set of frequencies using the Discrete Cosine Transform. First introduced in JPEG Encoding Magic (Mar 2015), try your hands on DCT!

How long would a computer take to guess a password? A companion to Brute Force Attacks (Mar 2018), we enumerate just how many guesses need to be made!

A little man computer is a simple model computer that performs computation using only numbers! A companion to Little Man Computer (Jun 2016).

Brainf**k is an esoteric programming language characterized by its terse, symbol-only syntax. Having first seen it in Brainf**k – An Esoteric Programming Language (Jun 2017), you now have the chance to try this unique language yourself!

Easing is a method used to smooth out animations and noisy data. This simulation shows what happens if you use different easing factors – Move your mouse to see the impact on noise filtering and response time. A companion to Easing – Friday Minis 295 (Sep 2019).